Wednesday 20 January 2016

Moments with Little Squish

The terrible two's have hit hard and they are trying. However, all the cute things that my son says at age twenty-four months more than make up for these inconveniences. 

Here are a few gems: 

(Squish is sitting on the potty. To his dismay, nothing comes out.)

Mommy! Help. My bum bum is not working!

Please can we go for a ride on the tuckshop? (tuk tuk)

I want to drive my Mambogini (he has a toy Lamborghini).

(Pretends to talk on phone).
Hellooooo. I are here. Where are you? What is your name?

Please buy me nice shoes like Mickey Mouse, not stinky shoes like Goofy. 

Please can I have a sweet? 
(I say no.)
Awww, pweeaase mommy. Just one tiny baby sweet?

My least favourite:

(Why do kids pick up only the annoying songs on the radio?)

Watch me whip, watch me nae nae.

The there is another super annoying song on the radio  'I've got bills, I've got to pay'. But he only sings this bit: My shoes, my shoooooooooooooooooeeeeeeees.
Second place for my favourite:

 Big sister often does impromptu 'shows' for us so he mimics this. For his grand entrance, he pops out from somewhere and says...
Welcome... To ... Me!!! 

My ultimate favourite:

Mommy! Missed you soooo, so much!
(He says this every time we were apart, even if we were apart for just a few seconds).


  1. Cant wait for my one to start talking! So looking forward to this part! :) He is sooo cute!

    1. Thanks. Your little one will start soon enough. :)

  2. So precious, great to record the things said here as we think that we'll never forget, but we do


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