Friday 23 October 2015

My Big Boy Goes to School: Week 2

So this was the second week of Squish attending nursery school three days a week. Lets just say that the last week was a lot harder than the first. 

This week, the novelty of being sent off with a backpack and lunchbox has worn off and each day, he was acutely aware that I was going to leave without him and each morning, his grip on me was tighter than the strongest superglue. His teachers would coax him with an array of fun activities but he would not budge and I would find myself playing with him at school for at least half an hour before he loosened his grip so that I could quickly sneak out. Each day, I was able to observe him carrying out various activities and I must say I am impressed by how quickly he figures the various Montessori activities out, even though he has not been exposed to them before.

There were tears and howling screams each day as I left but his teachers assured me that he is settled five minutes later (they even send photo's of a calm, playing toddler as evidence of this). Apparently, poor Noodle gets sent to the toddler class to keep Squish company when he is unsettled (which seems to do the trick, but I get the feeling that Noodle is less than impressed by this arrangement).

I hope next week is a bit easier (for all of us).

Incidentally, it has been a fairly quiet work week for me (this will not be the case next week), leaving me with some extra time on my hands. The logical think to do after being detached from my son for the first time after almost two years would have been to book hair appointments, coffee dates and spa treatments, but some evil demonic force possessed me to spend the extra time clean cupboards, defrost freezers and file documents instead. I probably need my head checked.

Viewer question: Tell us about your little ones first days at school? How did you get them to settle into their new routines?


  1. Oh gosh - all 3 kids were different. It took A a week or so and she was ok. C never looked back and loved school from minute 1. L was a nightmare - it took us months to get him settled but it did point out his issues to us

  2. Cat, I agree- they are all so different. It took Noodle ages to get used to creche but she was just a baby. At the one that they are both at now, she was happy from day 1.

  3. I don't have any experience to share but I just want to send you lots of support at this time. I think it's cool you did all those tasks when you had the extra time! There is a lot of value in tidying up!

    1. Thanks Heather- that is very kind!

      Yes, it is also near impossible to organise things with the kids around.

  4. Because both my children went to daycare since they were babies, there were not that many tears. But they had times when they didn't want us to leave. The best has been to not prolong the agony and to leave as soon as possible for them to get settled!

  5. Thanks Karen. I think that is great advice. Noodle also started as a baby and that was what worked back then, mostly.


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